MWC 2023 Best Mobile Innovation for Connected Economy

How to implement a Non Public Network for your organization

Simple guide, step-by-step to provide IT Infrastructure and management professionals a well-grounded understanding of the what, why, how and how much of owning and operating their own NPN.


The comprehensive solution
for the Internet Of Things

Because all devices can be wireless. You can install the Cumucore 4G / 5G core yourself in your local environment and configure the network. Easy and fast installation, no internet connection needed. Customize and get the network your company needs. Cumucore uses existing Wi-Fi infrastructure with a 3.5GHz assigned frequency license.

Cumucore wireless technology to decades of business prosperity

The 3GPP compliant software
that meets the communication requirements
of all Industry Verticals

Think about wireless freedom everywhere

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Disrupting mobile networks to provide flexible
and affordable connectivity for everyone and creating
new possibilities to truly connect the world